We are committed to providing books and literacy programming to
underserved children in south central Wisconsin.
As a mother of two children I know how important reading is for kids and adults and how it can also be a struggle. For many kids in our area that isn’t a choice. Over two thirds of children living in poverty do not have books at home. I was alarmed by this statistic and in 2013 I founded Madison Reading Project to address the low literacy rates among underserved children.
Madison Reading Project, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, provides underserved children in south central Wisconsin with quality books and programming. To boost literacy rates and increase book ownership, our nonprofit provides programming at our partner locations and diverse book selections for children to select themselves. We partner with 65 partners from schools, after-school programs, social workers, and early head start programs to reach children ages from birth -12 years old.
For more information on ways to help us achieve our mission, click here.
Thank You,
Rowan Childs, Founder & Executive Director

The early days of MRP.